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Armin van Buuren launches 10-minute mindfulness

Written by on August 10, 2022

What do you think of the life of DJs? Parties, travels, tons of music, festivals, and… so much stress! Mental health is a complex topic nowadays, and even if the life of DJs could be seen as a dream life, it is not gold all that glitters. Indeed, many DJs and Producers jump from one part of the world to another every day (and night). They often have no physical contact with their families for months; they are constantly under pressure to realize excellent shows for their fans and produce great music.

Avicii This is just the reality; someone could not live this as a “life dream.” You might remember how Avicii‘s personal story finished in the worst way ever. But others tried to find an acceptable work-life balance. A good example is represented by Armin Van Buuren. He has surfed the wave for almost 25 years. He produces great live shows, great music (a lot!), a weekly radio show with 1000+ episodes, and travels the world. The Dutch dj is the King of Trance music, 5 times #1 DJ in the world, but he is also a regular person, just like us.

In the past year, he put all his experience and searched for a “Balance” between the 2 sides of this music world. Finally, he did it and showed it with an album named “Balance” in 2019. Now he tries the next level with a 10-minute session of mindfulness with self-made production music. Armin Van Buuren

Armin Says: “Every day, I check in with myself. If I listen to my breath and just focus on my breathing, my mind immediately starts to wander. Now I understand that’s ok, and just let the thoughts be. So I make a note in my head and bring my focus back on my breathing. That’s always my anchor. I wanted to share this with my fans, so I recorded this meditation for others to practice so that they, as well, may find balance.”

So now, you can experience a 10-minute mindfulness session with Armin’s music with this special session through this website. It’s completely free; you just need to join it.

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